Tabita Rezaire



02.06.20 - 06.09.20

the moon squarespace.jpg

For three months Regelbau 411 gave way to a new institution initiated by the artist Tabita Rezaire. The Moon Center is a space for lunar transmission: a place to experience, receive and share teachings about and from the moon through science, art and spirit. 

The moon has always inspired the hearts and minds while regulating many cycles of our eco-bio-social systems:  from oceanic tides to our emotional territories, menstruations, germination, spiritual celebrations and the measure of time. Now also a strategic asset within global spatial politics, the moon is home to vast array of speculation, conspiration, and timeless truth.

In a quest to engage with the wisdom of the Moon across time and space, The Moon Center presented a constellation of Moon stories from astrophysics to cosmology, astrology, agriculture, healing, history, magic, meditation, theology and spatial politics. Under the guidance of the many lands and people who have cultivated and honored her teachings, the videos of Satellite Devotion share the blessings of guardians of Moon wisdom across the World: a shaman from the Amazon Forest of French Guiana, a healer in Senegal, a yogi in South Africa, a herbalist in Congo, the Chief of the druids in the UK, among others… The moon wisdoms gathered on the exhibition harvest the power and mysteries of our beloved satellite.

Beyond the search for knowledge, The Moon Center was a call to live in moon time and bring our body-mind-spirits in alignment with the rhythm of the moon. As the moon circles our Earth, it also exists within ourselves and meditations guided quests to synch with the energy of each cycle of the moon to discover the creative journey from new moon to dark moon through the waxing and waning phases and the climax of the full moon. 

The Moon Center also presented a collective offering of sounds inspired by the lunar mare, the seas of the moon. This lunar album was blessed with sonic offerings from: Julien Creuset, Nolan Oswald Dennis, Hlasko, Fela Gucci, Robert Machiri & Memory Biwa, Elsa Mbala, Jenny Mbaye, Aisha Mirza & Mahta Hassanzadeh, Liz Mputu, Tabita Rezaire, and Bogosi Sekhukhuni.

The Moon Center was an invitation to build intimacy with the moon, an opportunity to experience her depth, and an ode to her glow.

Opening: 2 June 2020
Exhibition periode: 2 June – 6 September 2020.
Opening hours:
Every day from 10-17. Admission to the center was free.

During the exhibition periode quests were also invited to experience the virtual moon center at

The Moon Center was supported by The Danish Arts Foundation and Struer - The City of Sound. The center was curated by the director Mikkel Elming with technical design by Jørgen Lindholm.