Sophia Sagaradze_uk



BY Sophia sagaradze

20.01.24 - 28.04.24

The exhibition Borders by Sophia Sagaradze explores the nature of borders as spaces of creative possibilities.

Through sound, light, and video art, the exhibition delves into the duality of borders, emphasizing the transformative potential of intermediary spaces, where connection and separation coexist as equal sensorial possibilities.

In one bunker, we experience video, sound, and text capturing a journey along the Caucasus Mountains. Often seen as the geographical line between Eastern Europe and Western Asia, these mountains also mark the contentious border between Russia and Georgia—a nexus of geopolitical history. This terrain becomes a meditation on the paradox of borders: human constructs standing in stark contrast to the quiet indifference of nature itself.

In another bunker, we step into labyrinthine chambers where transparent plastic layers create tangible yet elusive boundaries. A multi-channel sound composition fills the heart of this environment, resonating through the walls. Here, we find ourselves within a realm of corridors leading to nowhere, where the distinctions between inner and outer spaces blur amidst flickering strobes of light.

Situated within the historical bunkers of Regelbau 411, the exhibition explores spaces that were previously used for division. In a time when the question of physical borders once again shapes the geopolitical agenda, the exhibition serves as a bridge between the past and the future, where the transformative potential of art allows us to perceive, reflect upon, and explore the world anew.

Sophia Sagaradze is a sound artist, composer, and performer from Georgia based in Denmark. With a focus on multichannel electronics, sound spatialization, and interactive installations, Sagaradze creates works that explore the boundary between external and internal experiences of space. She holds a master’s degree in electronic composition (DIEM) and has received the Carl Nielsen and Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Foundation’s Talent Award in 2022.

Opening: 20 January 2024, 14:00.
Exhibition period: 20 January - 28 April 2024.
Opening hours: Every day 10-16. Admission is free.

The exhibition Borders is curated by Simon Thykjær.

The exhibition is kindly supported by the Danish Art Foundation, the Augustinus Foundation, the Færch Foundation and the New Carlsberg Foundation.