Ragnhild May_uk
Jyske monstre
BY Ragnhild may
03.06.23 - 27.08.23
The exhibition Jyske Monstre by Ragnhild May is an artistic interpretation of ancient folk beliefs and mythical creatures of the past in a contemporary context. Based on the Danish folklorist Evald Tang Kristensen’s collected songs and orally handed down tales from Jutland, the exhibition gives new life to the monsters of the past.
Central to the exhibition is the ‘monster’ as concept and phenomenon. Etymologically derived from the Latin ‘monstrare’ (to show) and ‘monare’ (to warn), the monster has traditionally been conceived as a portent, warning of significant events or changes.
In Regelbau 411’s bunkers we encounter monstrous beings entwined with the elemental forces of nature. In one bunker, a choir of eight voices rise from the depths, each giving voice to a facet of the natural world – the tempest, the spring, the sea. Through their song, they weave tales hidden beneath the surface, hinting at the interplay of nature and human ambition.
In another bunker, we turn our ears towards the sounds of nature itself - the murmur of a nearby pond, captured by a modern tool of discernment, an underwater microphone. Amidst clay sculptures on pedestals of mass-produced energy drink cans, we listen to the echoes of a dwelling place traditionally believed to house the monsters of bygone ages.
The haunting voices of Jyske Monstre sound an alarm – they signal our evolving relationship with our environment, our ecological responsibilities, and the perils that may follow our neglect. As echoes from the past and warnings about the future, they ask us to consider what is truly monstrous in our current world.
Ragnhild May (DK) works with performance, sculpture, sound art and installations through an investigative, humorous, and playful artistic practice. In her works the boundaries between the artificial and natural are blurred, and childish and feminine elements are distorted until they become monstrous. May is a PhD fellow at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Bard College. She has previously received Carl Nielsen’s Talent Award.
The exhibition’s choral work Jyske Monstre is sung by Koret Klang.
Opening: 3 June 2023, 14:00-16:00.
Exhibition period: 3 June - 27 August 2023.
Opening hours: Every day 10-17. Admission is free.
The exhibition Jyske Monstre is curated by Simon Thykjær.
The exhibition is kindly supported by the Danish Art Foundation, Det Obelske Familiefond, Augustinus Fonden, Færchfonden, Knud Højgaards Fond and Lemvigh-Müller Fonden.