Jessica Segall_uk




02.10.22 - 29.01.23

Video and sound installations are part of Regelbau 411’s current exhibition TERRAPOLIS by American artist and performer Jessica Segall.

Borrowing its title from science philosopher Donna Harraway, bringing together the Latin word terra for earth with the Greek word polis for city or citizens, the exhibition reflects on the shared lives of humans and animals in present times.




In the work Fugue in B Flat we hear the recorded sound of buzzing bees colonising and plucking the strings of a grand piano. From the interaction, a composition is created, contrapuncting the chilling warning noise of the swarm with the luring tones of the piano. Highly adaptable to both natural and man-made cavities, the bees have now settled in the bunker, negotiating what belongs to us and what belongs to them.




The work (Un)common Intimacy pictures a woman swimming with wild predators. Staged underwater, the scene unfolds into a dreamlike world where humans and animals live together on new terms. During the encounter, traditional hierarchical structures blur, giving rise to questions about ways in which our shared lives with animals are and could be intimately interwoven.

Bringing wilderness and wildlife inside an institutional space, the exhibition challenges common views on animals as subjugated beings as opposed to fellow creatures shaping our material world. As figures of wonder, of evolutions that might have been, of life on earth as imagined in another place and time, the exhibition points to terrapolis, as a place attuned to the multiplicity of worlds.

Jessica Segall is a multidisciplinary artist based in Brooklyn, New York. Hostile and threatened landscapes are the sites for her work, examining the vulnerable ecologic systems and environments. Jessica Segall exhibits her works internationally, including at COP26, the Fries Museum, the Coreana Museum of Art, the Havana Biennial and the Queens Museum. 

Opening: 1 October 2022 at 2 pm.
Exhibition period: 2 October 2022 – 29 January 2023.
Opening hours: Every day 10-16. Admission is free.

Photos: Mikkel Kaldal

The exhibition TERRAPOLIS has been curated by Simon Thykjær and Matilde Best.

The exhibition is kindly supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, the Færch Foundation, Obel Family Foundation and LAG Struer-Holstebro.